We make a fine, elegant, delicate kitchen. A kitchen of time. Just enough time to achieve adequate cooking for the main product of the dish and the time necessary for the rest of the ingredients that make it up to be in perfect harmony. A kitchen of flavors that you will recognize, that will take you to other moments of your life, because they are simple, sincere and close. They are obviously filtered by my vision of cooking, by my experience over the years in which I have also felt at home in La Rioja.
Opening Hours
Monday: CLOSED – CLOSED hTuesday: 13.30 – 15.30 h
Wednesday: 13.30 – 15.30 h
Thursday: 13.30 – 22.30 h
Friday: 13.30 – 22.30 h
Saturday: 13.30 – 22.30 h
Sunday: 13.30 – 15.30 h

Calle María Teresa Gil de Gárate nº726002 Logroño, La Rioja, ES
Tel.: +34 941214795Móvil: +34 649977575
Email: reservas@juancarlosferrando.com
Website: https://www.juancarlosferrando.com/