The restaurant, the great final showcase of Maskarada.
Among forests of oak, beech, hazelnut and holly trees, the Pío Negro (Euskal Txerri) pig roams happily in the meadows of Lekunberri, in Navarra. There, José Ignacio Jauregui has managed to recover this native breed, to which he pays homage in his Maskarada restaurant.
Joxi Jauregui is a producer, transformer and seller of the final product, not channels. For this reason, he made the decision to set up a restaurant at the foot of the factory, with its tables located behind the store, as a great showcase for its products and where it is he himself who shows and demonstrates his possibilities in the kitchen. «I’m not a cook, but I don’t have to be either, here everything we do is very simple, we don’t make sauces or anything like that, and at most we combine three flavors. This is our marketing, professionals from many restaurants come here».

Calle Aralar, 6631870 lekunberri, Navarre, ES