Musée Basque du fromage et du Pastoralisme – AGOUR
Hélette – Basse Navare / Heleta – Baxe Nafarroa
In Hélette, dive into the magic of traditions! Discover all the secrets of pastoralism and Basque cheese by visiting our 220m² museum. Within a “cayolar” (ancestral shepherd’s hut) reconstituted identically, Joanes, will reveal to you through an audio-guided visit, the Basque Country, its traditions, its universe, and will take you to at his sheepfold and will reveal to you the life of the time. You will also discover a video that will allow you to discover how sheep’s cheese is made. Finally, after having contemplated part of our maturing cellars, you will taste the AGOUR, twice elected best cheese in the world, in our shop.
You will also find our charcuterie and our sheep’s milk ice cream there.
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Opening Hours
Monday: 9 – 18 hTuesday: 9 – 18 h
Wednesday: 9 – 18 h
Thursday: 9 – 18 h
Friday: 9 – 18 h
Saturday: 9 – 12 h

ZA Ur Xabaleta64640 Hélette, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, FR
Tel.: +33 05 59 37 63 86Email: