TÚBAL Restaurante
Vegetables: great protagonists of your menu.
Taking advantage of what the garden gives them in each season, they modify their dishes, differentiating the winter stew from the spring stew, incorporating asparagus from Navarra, artichokes, broad beans and peas…
People come to Túbal to enjoy the good cuisine, the cozy atmosphere and the warmth that is breathed and transmitted from generation to generation.
Opening Hours
Tuesday: 13:00 – 15:30 hWednesday: 13:00 – 15:30 h
Thursday: 13:00 – 15:30 h
Friday: 13:00-15:30 – 20:30-22:30 h
Saturday: 13:00-15:30 – 20:30-22:30 h
Sunday: 13:00 – 15:30 h

Plaza de Navarra, 431300 Tafalla, Navarre, ES
Tel.: +34948700852 /+34948701296Email: tubal@restaurantetubal.com
Website: https://www.restaurantetubal.com/es/inicio